
How to Build a Lazada Price Tracker with Web Scraping

5 min read

Founded in 2012, Lazada has become one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Southeast Asia in the past decade. If you plan to sell products online in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, Lazada must be the perfect destination for your business. Here is a guide to helping you create a Lazada price tracker that uses Octoparse to help you stay competitive in online marketplaces.

Why You Need a Price Tracker for Lazada

The online marketplace is full of competition, and Lazada is no exception. Nowadays, Lazada has 155,000 sellers and 3,000 brands serving 560 million consumers. Meanwhile, there are 300 million SKUs available on Lazada, covering a wide range of products from consumer electronics to household goods, toys, fashion, sports equipment, and groceries. To stand out from the countless competitors is not an easy thing, and that’s why a Lazada price tracker is essential for every Lazada seller, even retailers on other platforms like Amazon and eBay.

You can benefit from tracking prices in Lazada in many aspects. One of the most significant pros is that a price tracker can empower you with valuable data to make informed decisions during every stage you run and manage the business. Scraped price data can be the fuel of business growth. For instance, a Lazada price tracker can contribute to:

  • Competitive Analysis: stay updated on your competitors’ pricing strategies, and then adjust your own pricing to remain competitive in the market;
  • Price Optimization: monitor price trends over time to identify the optimal price points for your products, and adjust prices based on demand, seasonality, or other factors to maximize profits;
  • Promotion Strategy: keep an eye on how other retailers offer discounts and deals to attract customers, and then you can modify your promotion campaigns to improve effectiveness;
  • Product Performance Analysis: besides monitoring similar products, you can apply price trackers to monitor prices across different categories or brands. Such data will provide valuable insights into broader market trends and consumer preferences and eventually help you identify new opportunities.

Build a Lazada Price Tracker in Four Steps

Because the Lazada price tracker is so powerful, you might wonder if building one is complicated. Well, the answer is NO! It’s effortless with web tools like Octoparse.

Octoparse is an easy-to-use tool that provides anyone with a no-coding web scraping solution. It can turn Lazada pages into structured data with clicks and also play the role of an AI web scraping assistant to auto-detect extractable data on the pages and “guess” what you need.

If you are new to Octoparse, please download Octoparse for free and install it on your device first. Then, you can sign up for a new account or log in with your Google or Microsoft account to unlock the powerful functions of Octoparse!

Step 1: Create a new task to scrape Lazada prices

Copy the link of the page you want to monitor prices, then paste it into the search bar on Octoparse. Next, click “Start” to create a new task.

Step 2: Auto-detect product prices on Lazada

Wait for the page to finish loading in Octoparse’s built-in browser (it might take seconds), then click “Auto-detect webpage data” in the Tips panel. This function allows Octoparse to scan the whole page and highlight extractable data for you. You can preview the detected data on the page. Meanwhile, you can check all extractable data fields on the “Data Preview” panel at the bottom and remove unwanted ones.


Step 3: Create the price tracker

After you’ve selected all the wanted data, click “Create workflow.” Then, a workflow will be auto-generated on your right-hand side. It’s a flow chart that shows every action of the price tracker. By clicking on each action on it, you can check if it works as planned. Also, you can add new actions and remove any unwanted steps on this chart.

Step 4: Run the task and export the scraped data

Click on the Run button once you’ve ensured the workflow works properly. Next, select to run the task on your device or run it on Octoparse cloud servers. There are countless products on Lazada and product prices are dynamic. Thus, letting cloud servers handle the task would be a better choice. Because cloud servers can grab up-to-date price data for you around the clock.

When running is completed, you can export the scraped price data to local files like Excel or a database like Google Sheets for further use.

Other Recommend Lazada Price Tracking Tools

Besides Octoparse, there are many tools available for monitoring Lazada prices. Here are some alternatives:

AliPrice Shopping Assistant for Lazada

This is a Chrome extension for users to track prices on Lazada. After adding it to your browser, you can check any product price history on the produce page. If you add the products to your favorites, you’ll receive notifications when prices drop.


ProWebScraper can be a good choice if you prefer a light and convenient web scraping tool. It’s a no-code scraping tool and can run on your browser rather than downloading and installing it on your device. By copying and pasting the URLs of Lazada pages, you can easily get data on its page.

Helium Scraper

Like ProWebScraper, Helium Scraper makes web scraping easier for everyone with its point-and-click interface. You can define your own actions to the price tracker, or apply custom JavaScript in case of complex structures.


Building a Lazada price tracker with Python will also be an effective option if you know how to code. Many libraries can help you write the script to pull data from websites. Here is a simplified outline using Python with Selenium library to scrape product prices on Lazada.

from selenium import webdriver

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

Initialize the Chrome browser

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

Navigate to Lazada product page


Find and extract the price

price_element = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.product-price') # Adjust the CSS selector as needed

product_price = price_element.text


Close the browser


Wrap Up

Lazada product prices are a gold mine for market research. By monitoring prices on Lazada, you can modify your pricing strategy to make your business stay competitive in the online marketplace. However, manual tracking cannot handle the massive amount of data on Lazada. To make price tracking more effective, you can apply web scraping in your business to grab first-hand data. Try Octoparse now, and let the latest price data flow into your database at your fingertips.

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